The Firm, basing its own activity on constant monitoring of evolution in national, european and non european law, of changing interventions of praxis and major Court rulings, assists mainly companies, corporate groups and no-profit organizations along their stages of start-up, growth, development, consolidation and turnaround, in their local and international contexts.

The assistance to companies, corporate groups, no-profit organizations and individuals is carried out within the civil, accounting, administrative and tax ordinary operations, and in relations with the Tax Administration and Local Authorities, as well as in specific activities of legal consultancy related to tax aspects of extraordinary operations and of reorganization processes, regarding national and international tax planning and in the issues of tax pre-litigation and litigation.

We also assist companies and corporate groups interested in restructuring processes and turnaround or those who are undergoing a situation of crisis or pre-crisis, as well as in the relations with the Court within the Arrangements with Creditors, Debt Restructuring Agreements and Certified Recovery Plans under articles 160, 182-bis and 67 of the Italian Bankruptcy Law.

In such areas, the Firm’s clients are followed on their own decisions about their financial planning with the aim of achieving the best balance between the available sources (equity and other sources such as financing, loans, etc.) and where to invest the same, thereby achieving a more effective and efficient management.

The Firm is founded by the nearly a decade experience of Dr. Alberto Pisarro and by a selected group of collaborators, that with the constant evolving pursue the goal of providing an integrated support to their own clients, being distinguished by its ethics, professionalism, innovation and speed both in daily operations as in the strategic choices of long term.

Alberto Pisarro graduated in “Revisore dei Conti and Giurista d’Impresa” (Auditor and Corporate Expert) in 2004 at the University Cà Foscari of Venezia and in 2006, at the same University, graduated in “Consulenza Aziendale” (Business Consultancy).

Qualified to practice as a Chartered Accountant – registered under the n. 1240 of section A of the Order of Venice Album – and Certified Auditor – registered under the n. 165059 of the Registry held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, is also author of publications about tax law, corporate and company crisis.

As part of the process of internationalization of companies and corporate groups, organizes events on the various aspects regarding the start-up and early productive or commercial activities of Italian companies abroad, including those ones organized at the Order of the Chartered Accountants of Venezia:

He holds the position as Statutory Auditor and Certified Auditor, for both industrial and services Companies and for no-profit social-cultural Foundations and Associations, whereas within the negotiated compositions of the corporate crisis, assumes the positions of Certifier in Arrangements with Creditors, as well as in the business continuity, Debt Restructuring Plans and Certified Recovery Plans under the articles 160, 182-bis and 67 of the Italian Bankruptcy Law, besides, occupies charges such as bankruptcy trustee, liquidator, special commissioner and technical consultant to the Court.

Since 2014, he holds the position of member of the Board of the Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Venezia.