Practice areas


The proper accounting of transactions performed in the exercise of the activity itself, in addition to producing largely correct tax compliance, constitutes an efficient informative system and intends to represent adequately the evolution of the activity due to particularly interested business areas.

In such context, the Firm assists small and medium companies, corporate groups and no-profit organizations, through professionals and qualified services, such as:

  • consultancy on the preparation of the balance sheets, also consolidated ones, according to the national (OIC) and international (IAS/IRFS) principles, on the predisposition of cash flow statements and analysis for area and balance sheets’ reclassifications;

  • correct setting up of the chart of the accounts and of the bookkeeping procedures, detecting the corporate events;

  • preparing interim financial statements and reports, monitoring the progress of the activity for the current year or for specific extraordinary transactions that involves or gives rise to different legal entities (mergers, splittings, transformations, liquidations, etc.);

  • evaluation of companies and company groups, individual assets (trademarks, patents, etc.) and equity stocks, also in order to apply revalued rules directed to sell them;

  • accounting and corporate due diligence activity to investigate and review the degree of accounting adequacy, the business process and the company’s performance, also in relation to the financial structure towards the Credit Institutions and Leasing companies;

  • business plan activity, whether in the start-up phase as well as in the development or turnaround phase, also evaluating the re-entry of the specific investments;

  • assistance on the audit procedures.