Practice areas


The entrepreneurial ideas reverberate up in the choices of civil nature, usually provided by the Law. These have both an ordinary character (signing contracts of rental, agency or management, balance sheet deliberation, administrators’ nomination, etc.) as an extraordinary (increasing of the registered capital, mergers, splittings, selling and assignments of companies or parts of them).

Under these circumstances, the Firm provides assistance to companies, corporate groups and no-profit organizations, supporting the best functioning of the corporate governance in the adherence to entrepreneurship’s projects undertaken and to be undertaken, both in the start-up, development or turnaround phases, as in the daily operations, such as in the strategic choices of long-term:

  • consultancy on the company’s functioning and on the corporate governance in operations of family assets reorganization;

  • study, preparations and execution of extraordinary operations (mergers, splittings, sellings, assignments, transformations, exchanges of stocks and shares, etc.), of the respective contracts and all the administrative duties connected;

  • appraisals/evaluations under articles 2343, 2343-bis and 2465 of the Italian Civil Code, about the congruity of the exchange relationships and of technical report charged by the Court;

  • preparation of company’s documents, articles of association, in the evaluation and planning of operations of generational shifts, family agreements and shareholders agreements.