Practice areas


The temporary management consists in the intervention of one or more managers outside the company for defined periods of time, in order to solve relevant and contingent problems. The temporary management has the purpose to satisfy two specific needs:

  • to cover a temporary vacuum in the company organization;

  • to manage a change.

It often happens that inside the corporate structure there is not enough adequate resources to solve certain dynamics or contingent circumstances or to implement a function/area, or other times, it is good that no one within the company takes care of the identified problem.

The temporary manager is a senior resource in terms of professionalism and experience: a manager who has worked for many years for companies of different sizes, obtaining a depth knowledge combined with a high flexibility and adaptability to different business situations.

The temporary management generally lasts from 6 to 36 months depending on the complexity and the extent of the corporate issues. It can be useful for large, medium or small companies, each one according to their own needs.

Therefore, the Firm operates in the following areas:

  • management, administrative, financial, accountable and tax set-up;

  • corporate reorganizations / optimizations;

  • generational shifts;

  • turnaround;

  • financial crisis and debt restructuring;

  • management support in extraordinary transactions (mergers, acquisitions, etc.);

  • fiduciary mandates on the Boards of Directors.

In these areas, the Firm suggests specific manager for administrative, accountable and financial aspects, to guide the relations and the negotiations with banks, to set up or readjust the chart of accounts, even developing the I.T. systems, treasury activities and cash flow statements, planning the financial activities in relation to the orders acquired or for the development of new business and markets, overseeing the management control in reference to the budgeting and reporting.